Saturday, September 28, 2013

Personal Branding Guide | How to Create an Awesome Online Brand Identity @medianovak

personal branding guide 1 650x382 Personal Branding Guide | How to Create an Awesome Online Brand Identity @medianovak

Many people think that personal branding is just for celebrities such as Lady Gaga or Oprah, yet each and every one of us is a brand. Personal branding, by definition, is the process by which we market ourselves to others. As a brand, we can leverage the same strategies that make these celebrities or corporate brands appeal to others. We can build brand equity just like them.
We can also have just as much presence as most startups and mid-size companies and products. Social media tools have leveled the playing ground and have enabled us to reach incredible heights, at the cost of our time. Today, we want to share the personal branding process, so you can start to think about what face you want to show to the world and how you want to position yourself for success!

Follow the Link to Read the Whole Article!

personal branding guide 2 650x387 Personal Branding Guide | How to Create an Awesome Online Brand Identity @medianovak

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